UKHK Survey 2022
UKHK launched the second annual online survey in July 2022. The 1,081 respondents were either people from Hong Kong living in the UK, or those who are planning to move to the UK.
The goal of the survey was to get a broader picture of what these people planning the move/newly arrived are like, what situation they are in, what their concerns are, and make comparisons with last year's result. So that we can understand more what the new Hong Kong diaspora in the UK looks like, and what kind of support they need.
Earlier Surveys
Who are these people from Hong Kong moving to the UK? Where would they like to settle down? What are their aspirations, their needs, and their concerns? Find out about them from the earlier UKHK surveys:
UKHK Integration Project Survey (2022 Feb)
UK Hongkongers’ Demographic Survey (2021 Jun)