Sometimes, few things beat a gift when it comes to telling people how much we appreciate them. This is why UKHK has prepared Welcome to the UK”, a bilingual book to welcome primary school-age children from Hong Kong. This book introduces facts and interesting information about life and culture in the UK, activities, and signposts services that children and parents can seek support from. It also includes space and questions for children to write down their first impressions on their new home. In years to come, this book will serve as a lovely memento.

Order the books today for free (including free UK delivery)!

Preview of the Welcome Magazine

Looking for more resources to help your children to settle down in the UK?

Every Child Welcome

Are you wondering how to help your children to better settle down in the UK? Or are you feeling concerned about working with teachers, schools, and local help?

Check out our webinar Every Child Welcome! In this webinar, we brought together experts from education, mental health, and cross-culture transition to share on topics that could help teachers and parents to better support these children so that their lives in the UK would be flourished.