Migration News: “A Friend in Every Town”: On Asylum Accommodation and Friendships
In the UK, accommodation is an important part of Governmental support for people seeking asylum. This means that the Government can - and does - move asylum seekers across the country. A person seeking asylum can be moved to other accommodation, sometimes in a different city, while waiting for their claims to be processed.
Migration News: “Getting to Know You”: On the Importance of Friendship for Social Integration
Friendships are essential for new migrants to feel emotionally welcomed and supported, and for them to adapt and adjust to the new cultural environment in the UK.
Migration News: Finding a place to Live
Finding a place to live in the UK is hard for many new arrivals, and many of us know this only too well. But what if we were only allowed 28 days to find our home, and with few savings and no references?
Migration News: Confusion, confusion! Are all "migrants" "immigrants"?
In May, the British government announced the migration data for 2022, in which it was pointed out that the net migrant numbers in 2022 exceeded 600,000. Are these people all new "immigrants" to the UK?
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